Relationship Therapy Centred work provides high-level psychotherapy that helps people to make effective changes in their lives. The guiding therapeutic approach is Systemic Psychotherapy which promotes the fact that human beings do not exist and function in a vacuum and are impacted on by all kinds of things that happen in their lives. Hence, life problems, dilemmas, confusion, heartaches, and pain usually happens in relation to something else i.e. job, marriage, divorce, sexuality, loss and bereavement, life-changing accident, parenting issues, children problems, infertility, unemployment and lots more. As research indicates “…… relationships are more important than any other single factor in affecting our happiness”. Although it might not feel like it, communicating the impact of life challenges is a good step towards recovery and Relationship Therapy Centred work will provide you with the best therapeutic support to reach wherever it is that you are aiming for.
Within the right conditions everyone has the potential to make useful difference to their lives, so if you are tired of feeling overly stressed, overly anxious, confused, sad and unhappy, come and talk and, together, we will find the best way forward.